H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018 |
Twinning project on
Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturing |
3rd Winter School on Trends on Additive Manufacturing for Engineering Applications
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade (UBG)
Belgrade, Serbia, 5th - 9th February 2023
The 3rd Winter School on Trends on Additive Manufacturing for Engineering Applications to be held in Belgrade, 5th-9th Feb. 2023, is one of the main activities of the European Twinning Project SIRAMM, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03 under the grant agreement No. 857124.
Participation in the winter school is free! (both in presence or online)
For more info contact the Project staff: SIRAMM.Twin@gmail.com
Winter school leaflet
& week programme
by filling out the
Online form
The winter school on Trends on Additive Manufacturing for Engineering Applications will be held in Belgrade (Serbia), 5th-10th February 2023. The main aim of the Winter School is to involve PhDs and young researchers in the field of AM with an engineering perspective. The winter school is an annual key activity of the European Twinning Project SIRAMM, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03 under the grant agreement No. 857124. The winter school will consider both scientific aspects concerning Additive Manufacturing as well as soft skills in research such as scientific and grant proposal writing, gender aspects, etc. Practical sessions concerning designing, manufacturing and testing of 3D-printed objects will be organized.
The winter school will be held at the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade & Online Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade, Serbia
All the lectures and activities will be done for both attendees in presence & online
Registration deadline: Confirmation to participants: |
28th January 2023 (Register through the Online form) 2nd February 2023 |
Participation in the winter school is free! (both in presence or online)
Supporting material,
Coffee breaks and lunches are included!
A limited number of places is available (~max. 30).
The selection process for participating to the winter school will be based on the participant's country, with a preference for east European countries. Participation of PhDs, post-docs and young researchers as well as women will be especially preferred. Gender equality and equal opportunities will be key-aspects in the selection of the participants.
For more info contact the Project staff: SIRAMM.Twin@gmail.com
2 ECTS will be recognized for the participation (for at least 70% of the lectures) to the winter school.
3 more ECTS will be recognized upon the positive evaluation of the final assessment test which will be offered only to students attending in presence at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
For more info, contact the Project staff: SIRAMM.Twin@gmail.com
(CET, Rome, Paris, Belgrade) |
In Belgrade
there are plenty of possibilities for accommodation at any price level.
For more details please visit the University of Belgrade website: https://www.mas.bg.ac.rs/eng/accommodation/start
An affordable accommodation can be found at Hostel ''Kod Vuka'', Kralja Aleksandra 75 boulevard, Belgrade email: konakkraljaleksandar@gmail.com
Special prices are offered to the WS participants by Hotel Constantine the Great
Please make
your reservation by using this
special discount
reservation form
(winter school office)
For registration & info please
1) fill out the
Online form
2) send an email to:
Prof. Roberto Brighenti: brigh@unipr.it Univ. of Parma Dept. of Engineering & Architecture, Viale delle Scienze 181/A, 43124 Parma, ITALY
or to the SIRAMM staff: SIRAMM.Twin@gmail.com
In the message please indicate your institution, your country and if you are a PhD student, a post-doc, a researcher, .... and if you wish to participate in presence, at the Institute of Physics of Materials, or online |
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03 (action: CSA) under the grant agreement No. 857124.
The contents of this publication are sole responsibility of SIRAMM consortium and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union |
2019(C) All Rights Reserved |