2023 |
Journal papers |
Smid, M., Koutny, D., Neumannova, K., Chlup, Z., Nahlik, L., & Jambor, M.
Cyclic behaviour and microstructural evolution of metastable austenitic
stainless steel 304 L produced by laser powder bed fusion. Additive
Manufacturing, 103503, doi:
Jambor, M., Vojtek, T., Pokorny, P., Koutny, D., Nahlik, L., Hutař, P., &
Smid, M. (2023).
Anomalous fatigue crack propagation behavior in near-threshold region of
L-PBF prepared austenitic stainless steel. Materials
Science and Engineering: A, 144982, doi:
Popović, M., Pjević, M., Milovanović, A., Mladenović, G., Milosević, M.
(2023). Printing
parameter optimization of PLA material concerning geometrical accuracy and
tensile properties relative to FDM process productivity. Journal
of Mechanical Science and Technology,
37(2), doi: 10.1007/s12206-023-0113-6.
Conference papers |
Popa, C. F., Krausz, T., Galatanu, S. V., Linul, E., & Marsavina, L. (2022).
Numerical and experimental study for FDM printed specimens from PLA under
IZOD impact tests. Materials
Today: Proceedings,
78(2), 326-330, doi:
2022 |
Journal papers |
Imani, D. M., Aliha, M. R. M., Linul, E., & Marsavina, L. (2022).
A suitable mixed mode I/II test specimen for fracture toughness study of
polyurethane foam with different cell densities. Theoretical
and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 117,
103171, doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2021.103171.
Șerban, D. A., Coșa, A. V., Belgiu, G., & Negru, R. (2022).
Failure locus of an
ABS-Based compound manufactured through photopolymerization. Polymers, 14(18),
L. Marșavina, C. Vălean, M.
Mărghitaș, E. Linul, S. M. J. Razavi, F. Berto, R. Brighenti (2022)
Effect of the
manufacturing parameters on the tensile and fracture properties of FDM
3D-printed PLA specimens.
Eng. Fracture Mechanics,
274, 108766, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2022.108766.
R. Noroozi, F. Tatar, M. Bodaghi, A. Zolfagharian, R. Brighenti, M. Amin
Shamekhi, A.R. Ghamsari, A. Hadi. (2022)
manufactured multi-morphology bone-like porous scaffolds: experiments and
micro-computed tomography finite element modeling approaches.
Int. Journal of Bioprinting,
8, no. 3, 2022, doi: 10.18063/ijb.v8i2.0021.
I., Babinsky, T., Chlupova, A., Milovanović, A., Nahlik, L. (2022). Effect
of building direction and heat treatment on mechanical properties of Inconel
939 prepared by additive manufacturing. Journal
of Mechanical Science and Technology, 36(0),
doi: 10.1007/s12206-022-2101-7.
Jevtić, I., Mladenović, G., Milosević, M., Milovanović, A., Trajković, I.,
Travica, M. (2022).
Dimensional accuracy of parts obtained by SLS technology. Structural
Integrity and Life,
22(3), 288-292.
Milovanović, A., Golubović, Z., Babinsky, T., Sulak, I., Mitrović, A.
Tensile properties of Polypropylene additively manufactured by FDM. Structural
Integrity and Life,
22(3), 305-308.
Trajkovic, I., Milosevic, M., Travica, M., Rakin, M., Mladenovic, G.,
Kudrjavceva, L., Medo, B. (2022).
Novel method for measurement of pipeline materials fracture
resistance-examination on selective laser sintered cylindrical specimens. Science
of Sintering, 54(3),
373-386 doi:
Conference papers |
Milovanović, A., Golubović, Z., Trajković, I., Sedmak, A., Milosević,
M., Valean, E., Marsavina, L. (2022). Influence
of printing parameters on the eligibility of plane-strain fracture
toughness results for PLA polymer. Procedia
Structural Integrity, 41, 290-297, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2022.05.034.
Milovanović, A., Poduska, J., Travniček, L., Nahlik, L., Sedmak, A.,
Milosević, M., Berto, F. (2022). Side-groove
effect on fracture mechanical fatigue testing of PLA material. Procedia
Structural Integrity, 42, 847-856,
doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2022.12.107.
Milovanović, A., Milosević, M., Trajković, I., Sedmak, A., Razavi, M.J.,
Berto, F. (2022). Crack
path direction in plane-strain fracture toughness assessment tests of
quasi-brittle PLA polymer and ductile PLA-X composite. Procedia
Structural Integrity, 42, 1376-1381,
doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2022.12.175.
Trajkovic, I., Milosevic, M., Rakin, M., Sedmak, A., Medjo, B. (2022)
Additively manufactured tensile ring-shaped specimens for pipeline material
fracture examination - influence of geometry.
Structural Integrity, 42, 1314-1319, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2022.12.167.
2021 |
Journal papers |
Benedetti, M., Du Plessis, A., Ritchie, R. O., Dallago, M., Razavi, S.M.J., Berto, F. (2021).
Architected cellular materials: A review on their mechanical properties
towards fatigue-tolerant design and fabrication. Materials
Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 144,
doi: 10.1016/j.mser.2021.100606.
Krausz, T., Ailinei, I. I., Galatanu, S. V., & Marsavina, L. (2021).
Charpy impact
properties and numerical modeling of polycarbonate composites. Material
Design & Processing Communications, 3(4),
e260, doi:
Negrea, R., Romino, M.,
Marsavina, L.
Influence of the
printing angle and load direction on flexure strength in 3D printed
materials for provisional dental restorations.
Materials, 14, 3376, doi: 10.3390/ma14123376.
Brighenti, R., Cosma, M.P., Marsavina, L., Spagnoli, A., Terzano, M. (2021).
Multiphysics modelling of the mechanical properties in polymers obtained via
photo-induced polymerization. Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
117, 481-499, doi:10.1007/s00170-021-07273-2.
Milovanović, A., Sedmak, A., Golubović, Z., Mihajlović, K. Z.,
Zurkić, A.,
Trajković, I., & Milosević, M. (2021).
The effect of time on mechanical properties of biocompatible photopolymer
resins used for fabrication of clear dental aligners. Journal
of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 119, 104494,
doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104494.
R., Cosma, M.P., Marsavina, L., Spagnoli, A. & Terzano, M. (2021).
Laser-based additively manufactured polymers: a review
on processes and mechanical models. Journal
of Materials Science, 56(2),
doi: 10.1007/s10853-020-05254-6.
Conference papers |
- Milovanović A., Sedmak A., Grbović A., Milosević M., Golubović Z. (2020) Influence
of second-phase particles on fracture behaviour of PLA and advanced pla-x
material. In: 4th International Conference on Structural
Integrity and Durability, September 15 - 18, 2020, Dubrovnik,
Procedia Structural Integrity
, 31, 122-126,
2020 |
Journal papers |
Conference papers |
C., Marsavina, L., Mihai, M., Luinul, E., Razavi, J., & Berto, F. (2020).
Effect of manufacturing parameters on tensile properties of FDM printed
specimens. Procedia Structural Integrity
, 26,
313-320, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.06.040.
S-V., Scano, M., Pietras, D., Pirvulescu, L-D., Porcu, M.C., Marsavina, L., & Sadowski,
T. (2020).
Bending behavior of AM50 Magnesium alloy under static and dynamic loading. Procedia Structural
, 26,
269-276, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.06.034.